Thursday, 16 July 2009

Minehead 2009

Going bang up to date it appears that Butlins have started issuing yearly badges again. This is one kindly donated by a friend and retains the traditional style of the classic badges.


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Thursday, 9 July 2009

Bognor Regis 1960 - 1967


Here I present the full run of Bognor Regis badges (excluding variations and replicas) as you can see style varies wildly and three of the main makers of badges for Butlins all get a look in.

This by no means completes my collecting of the Bognor badges as I only have 8 of the 21 camp badges, none of the 11 Committee badges and 2 of the 8 known replica badges. Collecting continues.


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Thursday, 2 July 2009

Filey 1946 (U Version)

DSCF1003 A new acquisition today this is the fantastic Filey 1946 badge. With a plain blue border and made in brass the badge is gloriously simple. No makers mark is visible. There are two versions of this badge this is the version where the first ray of sun meets the letter u.


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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Minehead Collection 1962 - 1967

Here I present my Minehead collection representing one badge for each year of opening in the period 1962 – 1967 .


But wait the quest does not stop there. You see this represents just 25% of the badges labelled Minehead in total there are 24 (not including modern badges). Additionally one of the badges above is actually a replica.

I still need  the 1962 badge and its two concessionary versions, the two concessionary versions for 1962, the brass concessionary for 1963, the brass concessionary for 1966 and the 1967 badge in a colour variation.


1962 – 1967s entire run of committee badges.

I’d better keep looking. My premium target is the genuine 1962, just to complete the run.

Coming up: The 8 Bognor years.